Visual Studio Code Format Mac

Visual Studio Code keyboard Shortcuts helps developers maximize their productivity by allowing them to work faster and more efficiently. Here I am listing down all the keyboard shortcuts and cheats of Visual Studio Code editor for Windows, Mac and Linux Operating systems. Give a shot.

Visual Studio Code – and the caption is Code Editing Redefined

It does exactly what it quotes. I can say this visual studio code is a combination of classic lightweight text editor and Microsoft visual studio IDE.

It’s free, open-source and cross-platform.

Most of the developers around the world started using Visual Studio Code. It’s good to know some useful keyboard shortcuts for this beautiful editor.

The good thing is if you are familiar with other text editors like sublime, vim, atom, eclipse etc. You can install corresponding editor keyboard bindings through extensions. there are lots of extensions available for keyboard mappings

Open Visual Studio Code and

Formatting Code in Visual Studio can be done using the Keyboard shortcuts as below On Windows Shift + Alt + F On Mac Shift + Option + F On Ubuntu Ctrl + Shift + I. Install Visual Studio Code on macOS. Install the C extension for VS Code. You can install the C/C extension by searching for 'c' in the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X). Ensure Clang is installed #. There are two ways to print from within visual studio code if you are using Create a text file and save it using the save dialog. Have notepad as part of the process so you can then print from notepad. If you want rich text you must create a graphics document and print the graphics document.

Navigate to File->Preferences->Keymap Extensions install your choice of keymappings.

You can press Ctrl+Shift+P or F1 (windows and Linux users) and ⇧⌘P or F1 (Mac users) to open the command Palette and search for required keyboard shortcuts.

And also we can add our own keyboard bindings, at the end of this post I will explain how to change keyboard shortcuts for visual studio code. We can customize bindings for language types also.

General Shortcuts:

Visual Studio Code Format Mac
Command ActionWindows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
To Show Command PaletteCtrl+Shift+P, F1⇧⌘P, F1Ctrl+Shift+P, F1
To Open or Go to File...Ctrl+P⌘PCtrl+P
New visual code window or instance
To Close window or instanceCtrl+Shift+W⌘WCtrl+Shift+W
To open User SettingsCtrl+,⌘,Ctrl+,
To open Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl+K Ctrl+S⌘K ⌘SCtrl+K Ctrl+S

Basic Editing Shortcuts:

Command ActionWindows Keyboard ShortcutMac Keyboard ShortcutLinux Keyboard Shortcut
Cut line (empty selection)Ctrl+X⌘XCtrl+X
Copy line (empty selection)
Move line up/down
Alt+ ↑ / ↓⌥↓ / ⌥↑Alt+ ↑ / ↓
Copy line up/down
Shift+Alt + ↓ / ↑⇧⌥↓ / ⇧⌥↑Shift+Alt + ↓ / ↑
Delete lineCtrl+Shift+K⇧⌘KCtrl+Shift+K
Insert line below
Insert line above
Jump to matching bracketCtrl+Shift+⇧⌘Ctrl+Shift+
Indent/outdent lineCtrl+] / [⌘] / ⌘[Ctrl+] / [
Go to beginning/end of lineHome / EndHome / EndHome / End
Go to beginning of fileCtrl+Home⌘↑Ctrl+Home
Go to end of file
Scroll line up/downCtrl+↑ / ↓⌃PgUp / ⌃PgDnCtrl+↑ / ↓
Scroll page up/down
Alt+PgUp / PgDn⌘PgUp /⌘PgDnAlt+PgUp / PgDn
Fold/unfold regionCtrl+Shift+ [ / ]⌥⌘[ / ⌥⌘]Ctrl+Shift+ [ / ]
Fold/unfold all subregionsCtrl+K Ctrl+ [ / ]⌘K ⌘[ / ⌘K ⌘]Ctrl+K Ctrl+ [ / ]
Fold/Unfold all regionsCtrl+K Ctrl+0 /
Ctrl+K Ctrl+J
⌘K ⌘0 / ⌘K ⌘JCtrl+K Ctrl+0 /
Ctrl+K Ctrl+J
Add line commentCtrl+K Ctrl+C⌘K ⌘CCtrl+K Ctrl+C
Remove line comment
Ctrl+K Ctrl+U⌘K ⌘UCtrl+K Ctrl+U
Toggle line comment
Toggle block commentShift+Alt+A⇧⌥AShift+Alt+A
Toggle word wrapAlt+Z⌥ZAlt+Z

Navigation Shortcuts:

Command ActionWindows Keyboard ShortcutMac Keyboard ShortcutLinux Keyboard Shortcut
Show all Symbols
Go to Line...Ctrl+G⌃GCtrl+G
Go to File...Ctrl+P⌘PCtrl+P
Go to Symbol...
Show Problems panel
Go to next/previous error or warning
F8 /Shift+F8F8 / ⇧F8F8 /Shift+F8
Navigate editor group historyCtrl+Shift+Tab⌃⇧TabCtrl+Shift+Tab
Go back/forward
Alt+ ← / →⌃- / ⌃⇧-Alt+ ← / →
Toggle Tab moves focus

Search and replace Shortcuts:

Command ActionWindows Keyboard ShortcutMac Keyboard ShortcutLinux Keyboard Shortcut
Find next/previousF3 / Shift+F3⌘G / ⇧⌘GF3 / Shift+F3
Select all occurrences of Find match
Add selection to next Find matchCtrl+D⌘DCtrl+D
Move last selection to next Find match
Ctrl+K Ctrl+D⌘K ⌘DCtrl+K Ctrl+D

Multi-cursor and selection Shortcuts:

Command ActionWindows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
Insert cursorAlt+Click⌥ + clickAlt+Click
Insert cursor above / belowShift+Alt+ ↑ / ↓⌥⌘↑ / ⌥⌘↓Shift+Alt+ ↑ / ↓
Undo last cursor operationCtrl+U⌘UCtrl+U
Insert cursor at end of each line selectedShift+Alt+I⇧⌥IShift+Alt+I
Select current line
Select all occurrences of current selection
Select all occurrences of current word
Expand selectionShift+Alt+→⌃⇧⌘→Shift+Alt+→
Shrink selection
Column (box) selectionShift+Alt +
(drag mouse) Or
+ ↑ / ↓
⇧⌥ + (drag mouse) or ⇧⌥⌘↑ / ↓Shift+Alt +
(drag mouse) or Ctrl+Shift+Alt
+ ↑ / ↓
Column (box) selection page up/down
⇧⌥⌘PgUp / PgDnCtrl+Shift+Alt

Rich languages editing Shortcuts:

Command Action
Windows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
Trigger suggestionCtrl+SpaceCtrl+Space
Trigger parameter hintsCtrl+Shift+SpaceCtrl+Shift+Space
Emmet expand abbreviationTabTab
Format document
Format selection
Ctrl+K Ctrl+FCtrl+K Ctrl+F
Go to DefinitionF12F12
Peek DefinitionAlt+F12Ctrl+Shift+F10
Open Definition to the side
Ctrl+K F12Ctrl+K F12
Quick Fix
Show References
Rename SymbolF2F2
Trim trailing whitespace
Ctrl+K Ctrl+XCtrl+K Ctrl+X
Change file language
Ctrl+K MCtrl+K M

Editor management Shortcuts:

Command Action
Windows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
Close editor
Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+W⌘WCtrl+W
Close folderCtrl+K F⌘K FCtrl+K F
Split editorCtrl+Ctrl+
Focus into 1
st, 2nd or 3rd editor group
Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3⌘1 / ⌘2 / ⌘3Ctrl+ 1 / 2 / 3
Focus into previous/next editor group
Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→⌘K ⌘← / ⌘K ⌘→Ctrl+K Ctrl+ ←/→
Move editor left/right
Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / PgDn⌘K ⇧⌘← / ⌘K ⇧⌘→Ctrl+Shift+PgUp / PgDn
Move active editor group
Ctrl+K ← / →⌘K ← / ⌘K →Ctrl+K ← / →

File management Shortcuts:

Command Action
Windows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
New FileCtrl+N⌘NCtrl+N
Open File...
Save As...Ctrl+Shift+S⇧⌘SCtrl+Shift+S
Save All
Ctrl+K S⌥⌘SCtrl+K S
Close / Close AllCtrl+F4 / Ctrl+K Ctrl+W⌘W / ⌘K ⌘WCtrl+W / Ctrl+K Ctrl+W
Reopen closed editor
Keep preview mode editor open
Ctrl+K Enter⌘K EnterCtrl+K Enter
Open nextCtrl+Tab⌃TabCtrl+Tab
Open previousCtrl+Shift+Tab⌃⇧TabCtrl+Shift+Tab
Copy path of active fileCtrl+K P⌘K PCtrl+K P
Reveal active file in Explorer
Ctrl+K R⌘K RCtrl+K R
Show active file in new window/instance
Ctrl+K O⌘K OCtrl+K O

Display Shortcuts:

Command Action
Windows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
Toggle full screen
Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)Shift+Alt+1⌥⌘1Shift+Alt+1
Zoom in/out
Ctrl+ = / -⌘= / ⇧⌘-Ctrl+ = / -
Toggle Sidebar visibilityCtrl+B⌘BCtrl+B
Show Explorer / Toggle focus
Show SearchCtrl+Shift+F⇧⌘FCtrl+Shift+F
Show Source ControlCtrl+Shift+G⌃⇧GCtrl+Shift+G
Show Debug
Show Extensions
Replace in filesCtrl+Shift+H⇧⌘HCtrl+Shift+H
Toggle Search details
Show Output panelCtrl+Shift+U⇧⌘UCtrl+K Ctrl+H
Open Markdown previewCtrl+Shift+V⇧⌘VCtrl+Shift+V
Open Markdown preview to the sideCtrl+K V⌘K VCtrl+K V
Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)Ctrl+K Z⌘K ZCtrl+K Z

Debug Shortcuts:

Command Action
Windows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
Toggle breakpointF9F9F9
Step into/outF11 / Shift+F11F11 / ⇧F11F11 / Shift+F11
Step overF10F10F10
Show hoverCtrl+K Ctrl+I⌘K ⌘ICtrl+K Ctrl+I

Integrated terminal Shortcuts:

Command Action
Windows keyboard ShortcutMac keyboard ShortcutLinux keyboard Shortcut
Show integrated terminalCtrl+`⌃`Ctrl+`
Create new terminalCtrl+Shift+`⌃⇧`Ctrl+Shift+`
Copy selectionCtrl+C⌘CCtrl+C
Paste into active terminal
Scroll up/down
Ctrl+↑ / ↓⌘↑ / ↓Ctrl+↑ / ↓
Scroll page up/down
Shift+PgUp / PgDPgUp / PgDnShift+PgUp / PgD
Scroll to top/bottomCtrl+Home / End⌘Home / EndCtrl+Home / End

Changing Keyboard Shortcuts for Visual Studio Code:

To change the keyboard shortcuts for visual studio code follow the below steps

Open Visual Studio Code and navigate to File>>Preferences>>Keyboard Shortcut

Click on edit keybindings.json You will see two files Default bindings and keybindings.json side by side as shown below.

And now click on define keybindings

I am adding “Ctrl+a” shortcut to open a file by adding below json setting in keybindings.json file

And property “when” is optional. For instance, The new command to open a file Ctrl+a applicable only when language is typescript.

Visual Studio Code Mac Download

Now Ctrl+a and Ctrl+o both can be used to open a file (If the language is typescript).

Happy Coding….

Visual Studio Code Format Css

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Visual Studio Code Format Code C#


Visual Studio Code For Mac


Visual Studio Code Format Multiple Files

Editor behaviors can be set to allow code to be formatted as it is written. These actions are set under Visual Studio > Preferences > Text Editor > Behavior, and some of the more commonly used functions are described below:

Visual Studio Code Format Machine

  • Matching closing braces can be added automatically to code when creating new classes, methods, or properties. When this option is selected, typing { will automatically add }.
  • On-the-fly code formatting is triggered by character presses, such as semi-colon or braces, which will emulate the formatting preferences that are set.
  • You can also choose to format the file when saving it, which allows the writing of code as desired and leaves the IDE responsible for formatting code as set by existing preferences.
  • Indentation can be set to None, Auto, or Smart. These do the following:
    • None - sets the caret to the start of the next line
    • Auto - sets the caret to the same column on the next line
    • Smart - indents on the following line based on the code
  • Word-breaking behavior differs between OSes, and for navigation purposes, the text editor needs to know where words begin or end. The formatting can be set to Unix or Windows.

You can also set formatting rules for XML, CSS, HTML, and JSON.

See also