Gradescope Markdown

Python resources for CS 237. Fast demo of Jupyter Notebooks. Markdown Tutorial: IPYNB. While it will be set to view only, please use the sheet to claim your resources, and comment in the threads with what you want and I will mark it down.

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  • Agile—A Software Development Methodology
  • Agile: Standups—A timeboxed standing meeting to help team make progress
  • Agile: Team Norms—Groundrules set by a team that promote effective and harmonious teamwork and productivty
  • Agile: User Stories—As a (who?) I can (what?) so that (why?)
  • Ant—Apache Ant, a build tool for Java (similar to Make/Makefiles)
  • Antipatterns: —Things to avoid in your code
  • Antipatterns: inheritance—When NOT to use inheritance
  • APIs: —Application Programming Intefaces
  • APIs: Free—Some APIs that offer free access
  • Applications Programming—A compendium of knowledge and skills applications programmers (software developers) need
  • Bug Reports—The typical format: STR, observed, desired
  • Changelog—A Software Development Methodology
  • CI: —Continuous Integration--automatically testing after every commit
  • Code Review—A team activity to improve the code base and the product
  • Code Smells—Common problems that arise in code
  • Code Style—formatting, indenting, names, and much more
  • Code Style: astyle—automatic code indenting tool available on CSIL
  • Course Policies—Explanations of why certain instructors do things they way they do them.
  • Course Policies: Answer Keys—Why do you not provide answer keys for all your old exams?
  • CSIL—Computer Science Instructional Lab machines
  • CSIL: browser from command line—How to open a browser from the command line
  • CSIL: disk quota and file quota issues—How to diagnose and fix
  • CSIL: git configuration—Configuring your CSIL account to use git
  • CSIL: Remote Host Id Changed—The scary REMOTE HOST ID CHANGED message with mention of SOMETHING NASTY
  • CSIL: ssh port forwarding—How to access webapps running on CSIL from your local machine
  • CSIL: via ssh from Linux—Connecting via ssh from the command line
  • CSIL: Via MacOS—Accessing CSIL from your MacOS system
  • CSIL: via ssh from Windows—Connecting via PuTTY/XMing or MobaXterm
  • Data—Various sources for datasets to build applications with
  • Design: —Waterfall, Agile, Rational Unified Process, etc.
  • Design Patterns—software structures that are easier to change
  • Design Patterns: Strategy—Define multiple algorithms and let client application pass the algorithm to be used as a parameter.
  • Eclipse—One of several choices for a Java IDE
  • Enviroment Variables—Reading them from Java code
  • Firebase—A Google sponsored app development platform
  • Frameworks—Software that helps you write other software
  • Game Programming—How to make Java work for Games
  • Gauchospace: Clickable URLs—In assignment submissions, urls should be clickable
  • git and github—version control, source code configuration and project collaboration tools
  • git: basic workflow—The basics: git add..., git commit..., git push ...
  • git: cloning your first repo—A guide for those new to git
  • git: commit messages—How to write clear and helpful commit messages
  • git: feature branch workflow—One branch per feature/issue/story
  • git: git/github troubleshooting—Various problems and their solution
  • git: .gitignore files—What they are for and what to put in them
  • git: merge conflicts—Not nearly as scary as you may have been told
  • git: overview—An introduction. git vs. vs., repos, etc.
  • git: throwaway untracked files—how to clean up untracked files easily
  • github: adding collaborators—giving individual users access to a private repo
  • github: api—Java Api for Github
  • github: branch protection—making sure PRs to master get code reviewed, for example
  • creating private repos under an organization—for closed source class assignments
  • github: issues—working with issues in github
  • github: keyboard shortcuts—making the github web UI easier to use
  • github: pro tips—A few extras to help you work with GitHub more effectively
  • github: using ssh keys—generating public/private key pair, uploading public key to github
  • github: ucsb-cs-github-linker—Using the local tool to join a course organization
  • creating private repos under an organization—for closed source class assignments
  • github: verified badge on commits—adding extra security to your commit messages
  • Google:—Using Google Products in CS48
  • Google: Cloud Credits—What they are good for, and how you can get them
  • Google: Developer Console—The place you configure OAuth, APIs, etc.
  • Gradescope—System for homework grading, feedback and submission
  • Gradescope: Organization Access—How to enable access to organization repos
  • Gradescope: Regrade Requests—What to do if you have questions about the grading of a problem (e.g. you think there was a grading error)
  • Gradescope: Student Self-Submission—Scanning your assignment to PDF
  • Heroku—A cloud computing platform
  • Heroku: Troubleshooting—Solutions to common problems and errors
  • IDEs for Java—Integrated Development Environments for Java (IntelliJ, Eclipse, Netbeans, etc.)
  • JDBC—Java Database Connectivity--a way to use SQL-based databases with Java
  • Jekyll—Creating web sites (like this one) on github-pages using Markdown
  • JSON: —JavaScript Object Notation
  • JSON: Jackson—A Java Package for processing JSON
  • Kanban: —visualization of work in progress
  • localhost—What does it mean to run a web server on localhost?
  • Lombok: —Automatic generation of getters/setters, etc.
  • MacOS—Setting up an environment to do CS56 work on your own Mac (not ssh'ing into CSIL)
  • MacOS: Homebrew—Package installer for Mac OS
  • Markdown—A simplified syntax to create formatted documents
  • Maven—A build tool for Java plus a package manager
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)—Simplest thing that a customer would actually use
  • MongoDB—A particular NoSQL database platform
  • MongoDB: Cloud Atlas Setup—Setting up MongoDB Cloud Atlas (for new users)
  • MongoDB: Cloud Atlas Sharing—Sharing a Cloud Atlas Setup
  • MongoDB: Mlab—A cloud provider of MongoDB databases with a free tier
  • MongoDB: NextJS Guide—How database operations in NextJS differ from examples in standard node
  • MongoDB: NextJS Setup—Configurig your NextJS app for MongoDB
  • MongoDB: Spring Properties—How to set properties for connecting to MongoDB when using Spring
  • Node—A JavaScript based backend web framework
  • OAuth—The way we implement the 'login with Google, Facebook, or Github' thing you see on some websites
  • OAuth: Authorizing GitHub Third Party Apps—Gradescope, and GitHub OAuth Apps you build yourself
  • OAuth: GitHub Setup—Setting up a GitHub OAuth App to obtain client id and client secret
  • OAuth: Google Setup—Setting up a Google OAuth App to obtain client id and client secret
  • OOP—Object Oriented Programming
  • Personas—Ficticious users of our product that help us develop our stories
  • PL: —Programming Languages (comparisons, analysis)
  • Port Numbers—Those numbers such as 8080, 12345 that show up when doing networking things
  • Postgres—An implementation of an SQL relational database, available on Heroku
  • Postman—A tool for testing HTTP based APIs
  • Python: OpenCV—Installing OpenCV for Python
  • React—A front-end framework for webapps and native apps
  • Refactoring—
  • REST—RESTful APIs, etc (Representational State Transfer)
  • Retros: —The heart of agile is inspect and adapt; retrospective meetings ('retros') help make sure we do that
  • Retros: Darby/Larsen Five Step Retro—(1) Set Stage, (2) Gather Data, (3) Generate Insights, (4) Decide What To Do, (5) Close Retro
  • Retros: Stop-Start-Continue—A three step formula for running a retro
  • Scrum—A Software Development Methodology
  • Selenium—Remote Control of a Browser (e.g. for end-to-end testing of webapps, web scraping)
  • Selenium: Driver Setup—Setting up your driver
  • Semantic Versioning—A set of rules for assigning meaningful version numbers
  • Slack—A chat-based communication tool for teams
  • Sockets—An abstraction used in networking
  • Software Engineering—What is meant by this term?
  • Spring Boot: —A Java web application framework
  • SQL—SQL-based relational databases (sqlite3, Postgres, MySQL, etc.)
  • Style—Standards and Tools for Code Style
  • $T and $B—Using environment variables to make navigating a src tree less painful
  • TDD: (Test Driven Development)—General information about best practices
  • Teams: —Information about working in teams
  • Teamwork—Practices for setting up a harmonious and productive team
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)—General information about best practices
  • Testing—Everything having to do with testing: Unit testing, Integration Testing, Test Coverage
  • Testing: Acceptance Testing—Criteria for being 'done' with an issue
  • Testing: Agile Testing (Crispin and Gregory)—Material from the book by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory, Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams
  • Testing: Automation—How to make testing an automatic part of your process
  • Testing: End to End Testing—Intro to End to End Testing, and Framework Specific Examples
  • Testing: Jacoco Reports—How to interpret the reports (red, yellow, green)
  • Testing: Jacoco via Maven—Setting up Jacoco test coverage, using Maven
  • Testing: Unit Testing with Jest—Setting up Jest for Next.JS projects
  • Testing: Mocking—Intro to Mocking in Tests, and Framework-specific Examples
  • UML—Unified Modeling Language: A graphical language for software design
  • Unix (and Linux)—A variety of resources related to Unix and Linux, esp. command line tools
  • Unix: Misc tools—Various useful command line tools you may not know about
  • Unix: Search/Replace across multiple files—from the command line, using grep, sed, etc.
  • User Stories: —As a (who?) I can (what?) so that (why?)
  • User Stories: INVEST—Good user stories are: Indepenent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimatable, Small and Testable
  • vim—a widely used text editor among Unix users
  • vim: basic eight—eight things you need to know how to do for your survival
  • vim: customization—customizing vim for your purposes
  • vscode—Visual Studio Code, a lightweight free editor from Microsoft with many IDE features
  • Waterfall—A model of the Software Design Life Cycle (SDLC) from the 1970s
  • Windows—Setting up an environment to do CS56 work on your own Windows machine (not ssh'ing into CSIL)
  • Windows: WSL—Setting up the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • X11—Dealing with X11 DISPLAY issues
  • YAML—An alternative to XML and JSON for representing structured data in a machine and human readable format
  • Zoom—Teleconferencing tool